Both men and women masturbate

Men masturbate with more openness than women.But women also masturbate, and this article weighs the pros and cons of female masturbation.

Women generally masturbate by arousing their external genitals with their fingers. They would stimulate the vulva and the labia, with special pressure on the clitoris. Some women like to enhance the experience by introducing penis-shaped objects like cucumbers and bananas into their vaginas, and rubbing them in such a way that they would stimulate the clitoris.

Women could use KY Jelly or Vaseline in order to make the contact smoother and better in feel. There are also several sexual toys that can be used, such as dildos, which come replete with vibrators operated by batteries. These vibrating dildos are considered to be the extreme when it comes to female masturbation.

It can be understood, therefore, that female masturbation is much different from male masturbation. For men, the only way of masturbating is by exerting different kinds of pressures on the penis (or anal stimulation), but for women, there are several areas along the genital tract that can be stimulated.